4 Perfect Ways To Make WordPress Secure and Safe-to-Use For Clients
WordPress itself is a very secure platform. However, it helps to add some extra security and firewall to your site by using a security plugin that enforces a lot of good security practices. there for wordpress is an excellent choice as the development platform, especially when your client needs a site for his small business or personal site.
All In One WP Security also uses an unprecedented security points grading system to measure how well you are protecting your site based on the security features you have activated. so here give you quick look for how you can make secure your site in wordpress.
1 : Give Access Limit to The Admin Area Only.
Only users you trust should have access to the admin area of your WordPress site. If you are running a multi-author blog, then you may want to give access to editors and contributors but not to subscribers.
Even when you are giving some users access to the admin area, you can still control what they can or cannot see on the dashboard. We will discuss this later in the article.
- Set the WordPress user permissions to define ‘users roles‘ and ‘capabilities‘. For instance, setting a WordPress site user permissions to “646” helps prevent users from making edits to the website theme.
- The second and easiest way to limit access to a site’s admin panel is to make use of plugins such as Login Redirect helps in redirecting the users who’ve logged into your site to a page of your choice.
2: Include a “Getting Started” Guidence in the WordPress Admin
You can help your clients with the possible ways and techniques to customize a WordPress website, by making a “Getting Started” or a “Quick Start” guide viewable in the admin dashboard screen. This purpose can be achieved with the help of WP Help plugin.
WP Help enable WordPress website operators to create a comprehensive and hierarchical documentation for different users of a WordPress site – be it site’s authors, editors and contributors – that can be viewed in the WordPress admin area.
3. Enable and disable Clutter from Admin Panel
Make sure that the admin dashboard screen of the WordPress site must be clean and clutter-free, you should make the menu system of the back-end simple and straightforward. The website menu will be, the better it will become for clients to understand how to use the menu.
Making the menu of the admin dashboard screen of the WP site clean will make it easy to understand for our clients. You can accomplish such an objective by using the User Role Editor plugin – that blocks some of the selected admin menu (and widgets) for the role.
You can use the default WordPress functions remove_menu_page() and remove_submenu_page() for removing menus from the WordPress dashboard, for clients who get confused because of the settings menu. The below-mentioned code snippet when added to the WordPress theme’s functions.php file will help in removing the top level menu items from the WP dashboard:
( !current_user_can(
) ) {
4: Disable File and Plugin Editing Options
You must make sure that you can prevent your clients from editing any plugin or the WordPress website theme using the editing options that exists in the appearance section. For this, all you’ve to do is to disable theme and plugin editing feature from the back-end, by adding the below line of code in the wp-config.php file:
, true );
If you are wordpress developer then you have to know about you need to make simple frontend or backend for better client understanding. otherwise clients will find it difficult to use and customize the back-end, which could result in damaging the website.
Thanks to teach me about WordPress security which is very important to do to avoid original content