How to Design your Homepage for eCommerce site
Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-centric design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design.
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For an eCommerce website, it's important to target users subconsciously and homepage is the first thing users see and experience, and on a subconscious level decides if it's a good website or not. So, a homepage must be designed well for the users to enjoy their experience on the website.

Homepage Design Checklist:
1. Large Image and Search Box
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. We are visual creatures, and images can be a powerful way to capture users’ attention and communicate your message. As networks and devices become more capable of displaying large images, more and more websites incorporate huge, eye-catching images.
Also having a search bar is essential for the user to easily type and look for their product with ease without having to apply 5-10 filters to search their product.
2. Navigation Menu
Navigation menu gives user an idea of the range of products available on the website. Most users come to e-commerce site to browse before they can make their decision, so make navigation menu prominent and keep 6-7 main categories.
- Don't set the navigation menu with more than 6-7 choices.
- For most e-commerce websites, navigation menu on the top works well but you can also set on the left side.
- Show the navigation menu on most of the pages, even when you scroll down, make sure it's visible.
3. Logo
A good logo can help your customer create a positive impression of your brand. So a good prominent logo whether on the top left corner or in the center is a must and add your company's tag-line below it, and it should be functional.
4. Shopping Cart
Shopping cart should be easy to access and must display the number of products added to the cart. If you add two products to the cart, the cart should display prominent number 2 on it, like a notification so it could be display perfect.
5. Wishlist
When a user browse through products, let's say a user is looking for a nice pair of shirt. He types 'Shirt' in the search box. The result displays all the shirt available on the website, then the user uses filter for his gender, waist size and colour preference. The user must also have the option to sort the products by: most popular, high price to low, low price to high, new, or discount.
6. User Account
Provide your users their private account where they can store their personal information like: name, address, credit/debit card information, email, last order details, status on the current order, discount coupon, etc.
7. Track Order
Fast and easy access to tracking their order is such a useful tool for the customer to keep track of where their product has reached, and how much time will the product take to reach their home or office.
8. Customer Care Contact Details
Adding the customer care phone number on the homepage, you tell your customers that you are there to help them and it establishes a trust between the user and the website. But keep note that you have enough staff to help the customers, and don't forget to specify the days and time to call. Else the user will feel irritated and agitated if the problem isn't solved right then and there. We've all has been in that situation.
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