Web Redesign Idea

Website Redesign

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

In It field everyday something new in open source software. New projects are being born every day, and therefore after some research we have list of some development tools for Web developers. 

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

1. Bootstrap

First released by Twitter in 2011, Bootstrap is a front-end framework for Web development that aims to speed the development process. It takes a mobile-first approach and compiles code to pure CSS. 

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

Operating System: OS Independent

2. Brackets

This Adobe project is currently one of the most popular on GitHub, though it's still a preview release. Brackets is a code editor built with Web technologies for developers who are working in Web technologies. 

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

 Operating System: OS Independent

3. CodeMirror

CodeMirror is a browser-based text editor. Basically, it allows Website developers to embed a code editor in their sites, which is useful if you're creating a site that offers programming tutorials. In addition to desktop browsers, it also works with many mobile browsers. 

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

 Operating System: OS Independent

4. Ember.js

There are a lot of JavaScript Web development frameworks out there—Ember calls itself "a framework for creating ambitious Web applications. It aims to make developers more productive immediately. 

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

Operating System: OS Independent

5. ZURB Foundation

One of the most popular projects on GitHub, Foundation humbly proclaims itself "The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world." With it, web developers can quickly create sites that automatically adjust for the size and type of device being used for access. 

5 Open Source Tools for Web Developers

Operating System: OS Independent

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